Grow Your Business with GrowEasy — An AI-powered Lead Generation App

Varun Kumar
3 min readJan 1, 2024


So, you’ve launched your business with that $100 million idea that has the potential to disrupt the industry. You’ve conducted thorough market research, identified your target customers, and defined your Unique Selling Proposition (USP). You’re putting your heart and soul into it, but how do you scale it exponentially?

A stagnant or low-scale business can pull you down while the competition surges ahead. Owners or founders of non-scaling businesses often lose interest (and sometimes money) and end up closing shop.

Perhaps you know how to acquire customers by marketing your product, but setting up your marketing team or hiring an ad agency will cost you time and money — resources you may lack.

Meet GrowEasy — Your Growth Enabler

GrowEasy is an AI-powered digital marketing app specializing in lead generation. We help small businesses like yours acquire qualified leads and grow.

GrowEasy Home page

This is a DIY tool that any businessperson can use, regardless of their marketing experience. It can create a lead generation campaign on Facebook & Instagram in less than 5 minutes, taking care of all elements from ad banners, ad-copies, and optimized detailed targeting to lead management.

GrowEasy vs. In-house Marketing Team / Hiring an Ad Agency

  1. GrowEasy is a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) tool, suitable for individuals new or experienced in marketing.
  2. A single app for launching campaigns on multiple platforms.
  3. It generates high-quality leads similar to those from an ad agency without the need for a high budget.
  4. No need to set up an in-house marketing team because GrowEasy takes care of all campaign elements — ad creatives, ad targeting, ad copies, and detailed targeting.
  5. It provides an easy interface to create, and launch campaigns, manage generated leads, and offer real-time lead notifications and ad insights.
  6. In summary, GrowEasy will save you time, effort, and money.

How does it Work?

GrowEasy — Campaign Onboarding

To launch a lead generation campaign, all you need to do is provide basic details about your business:

  1. Product/Service description
  2. Offers/USPs
  3. Ideal customers, location, and gender.

With this input, GrowEasy will generate ad creatives, copies, and audiences for your campaign. You can also choose to upload custom creatives. Once satisfied with all the details, choose your budget and launch it on Facebook and Instagram.

GrowEasy — Campaign Details


Every growing business needs marketing, and there are two ways to go about it. You can either build your team, which takes time and learning and increases your costs, or you can outsource to an ad agency, which requires monitoring ROI and significant financial investment.
With GrowEasy, you can offload lead generation and save time & resources, allowing you to focus solely on your business.

More Details-

  1. Website:
  2. PlayStore:
  3. Product Hunt Love:

